Trolley Glaring
I was waiting in line at Giant with about a dozen items in my trolley. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that lady in front of me was staring at the items in my trolley. It was a long stare......almost like she was examining each and every item I had selected. Next thing (and I knew this would happen), she looked up from staring at my trolley and looked at me instead. Like as if she was making a judgement of who I was and what kinds of things I selected. At this point, I really felt like sticking my finger in my nose and being totally gross just for her benefit .....but instead I continued staring into space. Now, why do people do things like this?
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Education....or should it be entertainment?
I was asking my teenage sons about school today. Instead of the usual "Have you done your homework yet?", I asked how they liked the subjects they were learning. To me, learning should be life long. I'm excited about what I learn in coaching and I can't get enough of all the books, new tools, new ideas etc. I can't wait to apply what I've learnt. Most importantly, nobody has to tell me to study. I study because it thrills me and I don't consider it's pleasurable.
I know that's not the case for the boys. I've been trying to figure out how to change that. I don't like being 'chief nagger' and I think the key is to unlock their internal motivation. Anyway, the bottom line of the separate conversations I had with the boys was that they liked the subjects that were taught by younger male teachers who knew how to crack jokes. The subjects were social studies, geography, history and biology. I wonder why it seems that math is always taught by older women who have no sense of humour. Sigh.
I think teachers can make or break an interest in a subject. Most kids entering secondary school have no pre-conceived biases or notions about the new subjects they will be learning. That's a perfect chance to get off to a flying start. So my boys' favourite subjects are the ones where the teachers enjoy themselves whilst teaching and are able to share some humour with their students. So.... do we need to change the mindset of our teachers so they realize they are actually in the entertainment business?
I was asking my teenage sons about school today. Instead of the usual "Have you done your homework yet?", I asked how they liked the subjects they were learning. To me, learning should be life long. I'm excited about what I learn in coaching and I can't get enough of all the books, new tools, new ideas etc. I can't wait to apply what I've learnt. Most importantly, nobody has to tell me to study. I study because it thrills me and I don't consider it's pleasurable.
I know that's not the case for the boys. I've been trying to figure out how to change that. I don't like being 'chief nagger' and I think the key is to unlock their internal motivation. Anyway, the bottom line of the separate conversations I had with the boys was that they liked the subjects that were taught by younger male teachers who knew how to crack jokes. The subjects were social studies, geography, history and biology. I wonder why it seems that math is always taught by older women who have no sense of humour. Sigh.
I think teachers can make or break an interest in a subject. Most kids entering secondary school have no pre-conceived biases or notions about the new subjects they will be learning. That's a perfect chance to get off to a flying start. So my boys' favourite subjects are the ones where the teachers enjoy themselves whilst teaching and are able to share some humour with their students. So.... do we need to change the mindset of our teachers so they realize they are actually in the entertainment business?
Monday, March 19, 2007
Baobei Goes Sailing!!
Here are some pics from our 'whole' family outing to sea. We dragged the dog along. She doesn't look it but she's actually very happy to have been included. Never mind that she doesn't like water, got extremely nervous everytime the boat rocked, started to hyperventilate from the searing heat....and due to Tim's madness was also overheating because he made her wear a lifejacket.
So we spent more time getting the boat ready than actually sailing. There was no wind and the sun was blazing hot. We just about ran out of drinks onboard and everyone was getting rather grouchy. Then....a fish jumped on board and slammed against the sail. Dog and fish exchanged a few sniffs and licks. It was a moving experience and very special....not to mention, highly unusual!
Here are some pics from our 'whole' family outing to sea. We dragged the dog along. She doesn't look it but she's actually very happy to have been included. Never mind that she doesn't like water, got extremely nervous everytime the boat rocked, started to hyperventilate from the searing heat....and due to Tim's madness was also overheating because he made her wear a lifejacket.
So we spent more time getting the boat ready than actually sailing. There was no wind and the sun was blazing hot. We just about ran out of drinks onboard and everyone was getting rather grouchy. Then....a fish jumped on board and slammed against the sail. Dog and fish exchanged a few sniffs and licks. It was a moving experience and very special....not to mention, highly unusual!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
What is your intelligence?
There are 7 different kinds of intelligences.
1. Linguisic Intelligence (the ability to use words)
2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (working with numbers and logic)
3. Spatial Intelligence (thinking in pictures and images)
4. Musical Intelligence (perceiving, appreciating and producing rhythms and melodies)
5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (knowing the physical self)
6. Interpersonal Intelligence (understanding and working with people)
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (knowing the inner self)
This is taken from Thomas Strong's book "7 Kinds of Smart".
There are 7 different kinds of intelligences.
1. Linguisic Intelligence (the ability to use words)
2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (working with numbers and logic)
3. Spatial Intelligence (thinking in pictures and images)
4. Musical Intelligence (perceiving, appreciating and producing rhythms and melodies)
5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (knowing the physical self)
6. Interpersonal Intelligence (understanding and working with people)
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (knowing the inner self)
This is taken from Thomas Strong's book "7 Kinds of Smart".
I'm reading John C. Maxwell's The Success Journey - The Process of Living Your Dreams. Good stuff. This is sad, true and a wake-up call for all of us.
Did you know that most people give more time to planning their vacations than they do to planning their lives? Based on the way people spend their planning time, you'd think they put in two weeks on the job each year and fifty on vacation.
I'm reading John C. Maxwell's The Success Journey - The Process of Living Your Dreams. Good stuff. This is sad, true and a wake-up call for all of us.
Did you know that most people give more time to planning their vacations than they do to planning their lives? Based on the way people spend their planning time, you'd think they put in two weeks on the job each year and fifty on vacation.
Great Quotes
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. Henry Ford.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. W.W. Ziege
Fear breeds inaction
Inaction leads to lack of experience
Lack of experience leads to ignorance
Ignorance breeds fear. John C. Maxwell
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. Henry Ford.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. W.W. Ziege
Fear breeds inaction
Inaction leads to lack of experience
Lack of experience leads to ignorance
Ignorance breeds fear. John C. Maxwell
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007!
These pics were taken on St John's Island. That's the "Wai Keng" (a converted chinese junk) with Singapore's financial district in the background. It was so nice to be able to sit in a motorized boat for a change and not to be working like a dog trying to maximise the wind all the time. It had a lovely deck with a huge dining table and a delicious spread that we porked out on. The top deck had a huge comfy cushion that I took a nap on enroute back to RSYC. The beach and water at St John's was lovely. Why can't all weekends be like that?
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mt Ophir
This pic was taken just about a year ago. Unfortunately no mountain climbing this year. The fond memories are still pretty fresh and the hope to do Mt Kinabalu is still there. If you're wondering why I look so terrible, it's because I felt empowered by wearing that camouflage bandana wrapped around my head. I really didn't care what I looked like. But of course now I'm thinking I really should pay more attention to my looks.
His Name is Arkad
This is what I'm currently reading. It's a old yellowed copy dug out of the nearby community library. The first edition was published in 1926. I like these oldies but classics. Anyway, the richest man in Babylon goes by the name of Arkad. It's a neat story with good old fashioned wisdom that is as valid today as it was in 1926....and I suppose back 2000 yrs ago in Babylon.
Here they are:
1. Start thy purse to fattening
2. Control thy expenditures
3. Make thy gold multiply
4. Guard thy treasures from loss
5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
6. Insure a future income
7. Increase thy ability to earn
Excuse me while I go about fattening my purse now.....ha!
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