Mizuno Mount Faber 10km Run
This was how we spent last Sunday morning. The fellow who took this pic of us is even nuttier than us. He runs marathons (42km) every month all over the world. Right now, he's in Vienna.
Anyway, we're all smiles here because it's pre-run. Post-run we all looked rather dazed. This run was tough because of the Mount Faber gradient and also because we had to run alongside lots of traffic & fumes. The traffic police had to 'man' so many junctions for us. I only enjoyed the bit going up and down the hill because I didn't care about looking good and chose to walk! I enjoyed peering into the lovely residential houses there and the lush jungle. The Danish Seamen's Church building was also very unique looking and I wanted to walk in and take a look.
I felt abnormally energetic all of Sunday and embarked on a furious home spring cleaning. Paid for it for the next 3 days as my posterior muscles just screamed at me in agony. I strongly believe I have never used those muscles before and they had been rudely awakened from their 41 yr slumber. I did entertain the delightful thought of having a nice muscular butt but.....no, think I'll just live with the one I have now.