Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I have a problem with birds and I'm open to any of your suggestions. My kitchen and my dining room attract black minor birds to visit. Baobei hangs out in the kitchen but she's quite useless and they come in anyway. She just looks at them and doesn't do anything. In frustration I ask Tim why they keep coming in, and he says it's because our house is a bird sanctuary. Unfortunately, the correct description should be bird toilet.
They come in, walk around a bit like they're checking my place out....do their business, sometimes several times (to my utter dismay) and then leave. There are some stupid ones that proceed to check out my living room and fly around trying to exit via the skylight but find they can't. All this brings about a degree of nervous anxiety in them, and this brings on even more unwanted deposits. Often these are yellow, but sometimes red.........I suppose it depends on what they've been eating. All the food in my kitchen is put away so there is nothing exposed on the countertops.....things like bananas, bread etc........nothing for them to come in for.
I have invested in waterguns and catapults to tackle this issue. However, after a few stakeouts and some bad aiming, the problem still prevails. Now I resort to closing the kitchen backdoor, kitchen window & dining room sliding door.....sitting there with no fresh air coming in, just so I can minimise picking up bird poop for a change.


PEW said...

How about catching one...then cook it as a warning to the other birds?

Or de-feather one and hang it there on display?

Or install a motion censor? It will trigger an alarm that will frighten them off?

auntymich said...

we once tried draping rubber snakes around the backyard which worked for a while but the birds got smart. we also just close the door now.

solitude said...

hm... will the old-fashioned scarecrow work??

or just dress up as a hideously large mynah to scare all the birds who come in. like a predator of sorts. :P

Anonymous said...

I've never seen red bird poop. Please bottle it for me.

Speaking of poop, aren't you going to share your knowledge of human poop with everyone else, as you did with me?

Chris The Baker said...

PEW! You're damn farni!
I think the de-feathered big idea might just work!

Mingying LEE said...

Thank you all for your bizarre suggestions. Fortunately, I'm not that batty to attempt to try any of them. Someone might report me to the SPCA and my photo might come out in the newspaper!!!