Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mrs Horn
Picture this. Mixed nouveau riche couple. In their mid to late 30's. 3 Labrador retrievers. Designer house. Argue with other neighbour over boundary wall even before moving in. Drives a big black gas-guzzling SUV. Other car is a convertible sports. Toddler son. Expecting another. Very 'gung cheong' about son. Has recently developed annoying habit of horning every time she comes back to alert her maids. Suspect the maids are usually in the basement/dungeon and so they don't hear it the first time. So 'towkayneo' horns again. The maids then scurry and stand at attention as she backs the car into her porch. Sigh. This has been a very quiet and peaceful neighbourhood for the last 10 yrs. And now this. She goes in and out of the house several times a day - morning, noon and night. Each time she comes back she announces it with her horn. The sound - absolutely jarring. It shatters the peace and serenity. What's a neighbour to do?

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