Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Journey to Osaka. 39 days to go. As usual, I have not been training. Starting to worry. It's too late now. I will just focus on conditioning myself to be on my feet for at least 5-6 hours. No shame in being picked up by the bus. Perhaps I'll bring my camera along on the marathon and take pictures of people and the sights. Tim and Derek will have no problem. I am intent on enjoying myself. Off to an 'OK' start. I should be clocking 56km per week by now but barely doing a quarter of that.

I realize from my Polar watch that I have been doing some kind of activity (hiking, cycling or jogging) at least twice a week since August. This recent Sunday it took me 1 hr to jog-walk to Mayfair Park and another hour back. Last week sometime and also today, it took me 1 hr to get to the gates at Botanic and then back. That water fountain at the Orchid Gardens is priceless!

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