Monday, December 26, 2005

After Christmas....
It's been nice talking to so many different people over the last few days. The parties started last Wednesday and included a whole spectrum of people - acquaintances, new and old friends, relatives, close friends, people I haven't seen in eons, very dear friends who have come back from other countries etc. But now I'm just about all talked out and one part of me is ready to crawl into a hole somewhere and hibernate for a while. There are also a few people whom I would like to catch up with and wonder how they're doing this season....but haven't done so. Inertia...and a slight awkwardness because our circle of friends are different and paths seldom cross.

The other sobering fact has been the passing of a friend on Christmas eve. I feel for the family because she has two of whom is the same age as I was when I lost my mother. It will not be easy for the kids to cope. I can remember the pain and the feeling of loss. I really admire my friend for the strength and courage with which she faced her illness . She definitely had the peace of God that passes all understanding and was a testament to His love. I regret not visiting her after coming back from Camerons. We had received the text that she was hospitalised again then, and I had planned to visit. But I was caught up in a flurry of activities and did not make the time.

I am reminded of a quote in an article in yesterday's Sunday Times of a fellow named Ah Hock whose motto in life was to : Treat everyone you meet as if you will be dead by midnight.

1 comment:

auntymich said...

so sad